Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Wild peeta

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Sunday, 11 October 2009

She's here :)

Baby Sara is here, she's healthy, beautiful and already spoiled by the nurses :p

Giving birth to her almost killed me but el7mdellah we are both fine

I am going to be one busy mama trying to stop 7amoody from hitting his sister :s he's a jealous little angel

Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat

Sunday, 4 October 2009

am I the strange one?

I admit it, I love watching people at malls, I love sitting at Starbucks and observe the crowds, it makes me feel like a ...psychologist?


lately my people watching habit made me feel bad, about myself. not because watching them is wrong, but because I feel like I am the odd one!

ok let me explain

I am -el7mdellah- met7ajbah (I wear my 7ijab) and my 3abays are all closed, and the only makeup I wear is kohl and mascara. my husband loves it and according to him, it was the reason why he proposed to me the very next day after he first saw me :P

The trend with girls these days is wearing an open 3abaya, their hair out and dyed blonde, red lips and strong eyeliner. also wearing neon high heels and skinny jeans. when I walk next to these girls i feel like i am 80 years old, I feel like I am the odd one and what I am wearing is wrong.

I love fashion, and try to follow trends but i can't make myself take off my 7ijab, I can't walk around with a face full of makeup and half of my body uncovered for sake of being called trendy or beautiful. I heard a lot of comments about they way i dress and it depresses me to know that our society looks down on girls who are following Allah's orders.

allah yehdee eljmee3